The OFHR is a local club of Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs (OFSC) located in District 12, north of Sudbury, Ontario.
Our Mission is to provide a safe, enjoyable, family-oriented snowmobiling experience for all.

Want to join our club and help volunteer?
Click here to fill out the form

Our Mailing Address
Onaping Falls Snowmobile Club
P.O. Box 934
Dowling, ON P0M 1R0

President — Pierrette Prince 705-918-5300
Vice-President — Jesse Hayes 705-698-0334
Treasurer — Karen Morley
Secretary — Karen Morley
Trail & Signage Coordinator — Dave Keir
Volunteer Coordinator — Lianne Therrien
Chief Trail Patrol — Jeff Thibert
Trail Patrol Coordinator — Jeff Thibert
Groomer Liaison — Pierrette Prince
Webmaster — Jeff Thibert