Start & Registration: Feb 8th, 2025 @ 9:30am at Place Bonaventure Mall Chelmsford
Finish: Windy Lake Motel & Restaurant or Kelly’s Family Diner
Price: $10 per hand / tally sheet
Tally Sheet / Hands are available at Windy Lake Motel, Kelly’s Family Diner, or from Club Members.
You can also purchase your tally sheets/hands on the event day!

If playing multiple hands, the participant must present the appropriate Poker Hand Tally Sheet to be marked BEFORE each card is drawn.
If any card drawn is a duplicate of the card previously drawn, that card must be re-drawn.
Top card on deck cut is card drawn.
Aces count high for all hands (except in a straight) eg. A pair of Aces beats a pair of kings.
In a straight, an Ace can count low (eg. A,2,3,4,5) or high (eg. T,J,Q,K,A) but not both.
Multiple cards or all cards of a poker hand can be drawn at any stop.
If a rider decides not to complete the run, the poker hand tally sheet can be handed in at any stop. The rider is still eligible for all prizes.
Any hand not pulled prior to cut off time are considered null and void.
In case of a tie, there will be a draw for High Card to determine the winner.
All decisions of the judges are FINAL.
A valid Ontario snowmobile trail permit is required for all snowmobiles.
Must be 18 years of age or over to play.
After drawing your 5th card at Windy Lake Motel, you can choose to delete one card and proceed to Kelly’s Family Diner in Cartier for the optional Wild Card! (Riders should leave Windy Lake Motel by 1:30 to qualify.) Be sure to have your distinctive Windy Lake Motel delete stamp in order to obtain your optional Wild Card in Cartier.
All Tally sheets are to be handed in by participants at Windy Lake Motel or Kelly’s Family Diner in Cartier by 3pm Feb 8th, 2025.
All winners will be announced on our Club Facebook pages once all hands have been scored and secondary prizes drawn.
Note: This is a family outdoor event. In the event that weather or trail conditions make it unsafe for the run, all 5 cards can be drawn either at registration (Bonaventure Mall in Chelmsford) or at Windy Lake Motel and Restaurant.
Note: Should something come up, or you cannot finish the run, simply hand in your tally sheet to the club volunteer and they will bring it to Stop #5 to have it played!
Bonus Card Rules:
At Windy Lake; request to have one card of your choice deleted and to acquire your distinctive Windy Lake Motel delete stamp in order to obtain your optional Wild Card in Cartier.
Ride to Kelly’s Family Diner in Cartier to obtain your Wild Card.
All riders taking this option should leave Windy Lake Restaurant and Motel by 1:30 pm.
For rider’s safety, this gives lots of time to ride to Kelly’s Diner in Cartier.